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Por Carina Paoletti

Pensar a cidade a partir da experiência que se faz com o corpo presente nas ruas. Nos juntamos no dia 25 de maio a convite do Instituto a Cidade Precisa de Você para participar de mais uma edição do PASSEIO URBANO, desta vez, com o Coletivo Micrópolis, grupo de Belo Horizonte que atua desde 2010 na fronteira compartilhada entre a arquitetura, o urbanismo, o design, a ação cultural e a pedagogia. Em residência no mês de junho na Vila Itororó, o coletivo propôs desenvolver um projeto durante a estadia no bairro da Bela Vista que consiste em um conjunto de investigações, ocupações, uma exposição e um protótipo de publicação. O intuito é investigar o que significou e o que pode significar morar na Vila Itororó, tanto em seu histórico residencial quanto em sua perspectiva atual de centro cultural.

Convidamos então os integrantes para conhecer os meandros da região, desde a Vila Itororó até o Condomínio 14 Bis, na Paim, local onde será desenvolvida grande parte das atividades do nos próximos dois anos. A caminhada trouxe interessados em vivenciar o bairro através de um convite a pensar a cidade e sua cultura como modo de vida, ao olhar seus hábitos cotidianos.

Se juntaram a nós integrantes da Associação NovoOlhar, que mantém uma agência de conteúdo formada por jovens de 14 a 21 anos direcionada aos temas locais do bairro da Bela Vista, pessoas que acompanham a transformação da Vila Itororó, pessoas que incentivadas pela proposta se sentiram estimuladas a caminhar pela cidade e descobrir mais sobre ela, participantes engajados em projetos autorais como o Coletivo Etinerâncias e Red.

Um grupo disposto a olhar e entender sobre uma região tão peculiar e característica.

Além da paisagem do bairro, que mantém tradições fortes de diversas partes do Brasil, tanto nos bares e estabelecimentos quanto nos habitantes e frequentadores destes ambientes marcados pelo regionalismo, o caminho pelas ruas da Bela Vista até o Bixiga mostra também o surgimento de centros de cultura e resistência, que sobrevivem com o apoio coletivo. A Casa 1 é um exemplo disso, centro cultural e de acolhimento de LGBTs em situação de risco, ela promove atividades diárias, dentre aulas de canto, inglês e debates abertos para o público em geral.

Confira as imagens do percurso.

Crédito: Leandro Moraes

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9 thoughts on “PASSEIO URBANO – Bela Vista

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    Водеоинспекция труб производится камерой, которая проходит по трубе и показывает вид на экран и сразу проводится видеозапись изображения.
    Подобная проверка даёт все возможности для того, чтобы определить состояние стенок и стыков трубопроводов, зоны расположения различных трещин, свищей и иных изъянов, обнаружить засоры и инородные предметы, несанкционированные врезки и так далее. Телеинспекция также может быть применена и при приёме труб после завершения строительного производства, ремонта.
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    Водеоинспекция всех труб выполняется спец камерой, которая проходит по трубам и транслирует вид на видеомонитор и в одно и то же время выполняется видеозапись труб.
    Данная диагностика дает возможность определить эксплуатационное качество стенок и стыков трубопроводов, зоны нахождения свищей, щелей и других недостатков, выявить засоры и инородные элементы, несанкционированные врезки и т.д. Видеоинспекция также имеет возможность быть применена и при приёме трубопроводов впоследствии строительного производства, проведения ремонта.
    Наибольшим положительным моментом устройства телеинспекции несомненно является её мобильность, легкость подхода к трубопроводу, а также возможность получать видеоизображение внутренних элементов различных труб.

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  97. Let me tell you one important thing that is very,
    If you had asked me enhancement. I wouldn’t reacted well to that at all. This was because I was frustrated with my small 4.8 inches penis and I’ve tried almost every method (pills, extenders, pumps, creams, patches, oils etc) out there with no result. The method that I did not try was operation.
    Ask me about penis enlargement I am happy and very much positive to reply! Within only 6 months turn was taken by my opinion towards manhood enlargement.
    So, what occurred within 6 weeks?
    My penis grew 2.3 inches straight from small 4.8 inches to long 7.1 inches. That is all thank to John Collins for his Excellent penis enhancement manual “Penis Enlargement Bible (aka PE Bible)”
    Now, I understand a number of you are saying, “Oh no, not another ‘penis enlargement in days’ app”. I thought the exact same thing. Rest assured, this is not the situation. It’s not a quick fix or work in yesteryear.
    Penis Enlargement Bible is the distinctive biochemical system. The techniques and methods are exclusives for this manual. This biochemical procedure involves price off the organic supplements and especially designed exercise plan. Some users gained an inch in as little as 7 times.
    Watch the below video where this program was talked about by some users. Rest assured that these are clients that were real and there’s very few enlargement plans which include testimonials from actual customers. *By clicking over video you’ll be taken to new page in which you have to scroll small down to see this video. You might read complete review on Penis Enlargement Bible .
    I know you get disappointed each time you see your penis size. You want your penis to grow but it isn’t growing even you passed period out. You’re desperate to create your penis larger and ready to do anything but you don’t wish to hurt your penis. Extenders, pills and operation are too pricey for your pocket and you know they could hurt your penis and health also.
    You keep on searching on internet for what’s your solution for manhood? How to Have a Bigger Penis? How to Make Your Dick Bigger? However, you keep on receiving advertisements for penis enlargement pills, extenders, pumps, weights, exercise DVDs etc..
    Allow Me to tell you one thing that is easy,
    I wasn’t born with larger penis. My penis was hardly 4.8 inches once I sleep with my first girlfriend (that was worst experience for me) and after that I finally take decision to increase my penis size. And I PROMISED myself until I get 7 inches manhood, that no girl will be dated by me.
    So, I start browsing on net for after I decided to begin with penis exercises and how to make your dick bigger. I made the decision to use exercises for couple of reasons. First of all, they’re secure as I’m on charge of my manhood. They are free since I read in many forums and they deliver results.
    So, I told you that my story not to make you rather I am your friend I want you to be successful. I am having 7.1 inches penis at the time of composing this and believe me it feels so great when you have larger penis than ordinary size.
    But before I show you penis my routine along with exercises let me give you some suggestions about the best way best to measure your penis.
    Proper Way To Measure Your Penis:
    Assessing Erect Length:
    Material Required: Ruler
    Erect length is the most significant dimension and this is where men and women want to see results.
    To measure your manhood all you need to do would be to gain erection. Attempt to acquire erection naturally by viewing movie, rather than gaining erection. As soon as you have profit erection stand on floor and make your manhood parallel to the floor. Place ruler on the side of the penis and ensure that that your manhood and ruler will be parallel to one another.
    Assess the tip of your penis and write down the closest measurement to the closest 1/16 th of an inch or millimeter.
    Measuring Erect Girth:
    Material Required: Cloth measuring tape or chain
    Girth is the diameter of the penis. Many guys wants to create their penis thicker but penis exercises that I’m going to show are designed to increase girth and length both.
    To measure your penis girth you have to wrap fabric measuring tape around the midpoint of your penis shaft. Keep in mind that constantly quantify your midpoint of the shaft in future.
    Mark the point where strings measure it with ruler and match and set the piece of string on table when using string. Record the measurement to the closest 1/16 th of an inch or millimeter.
    Assessing Flaccid Length:
    Because times in one day varie, flaccid penis length isn’t significant. Most of the time, penis in morning’s flaccid size is different than in the evening. Additionally, there are lots of elements that affect the flaccid state of penis like temperature, diet, exercise etc..
    Create A Journal:
    Prior to starting penis exercise I would like to advice you to make a journal where you are able to keep tabs on your progress. As it is going to hurt you just do not attempt to cheat or round up numbers.
    Additionally, don’t try to measure your penis size everyday do quantify it weekly or bi-weekly. Penis is just.
    Here’s the sample journal that give you some idea about how you can keep tabs on your progress.
    *Notice: These are sample measurements and you don’t get increase which quickly
    There are two types of lubricants which are water-based lubricants and other is oil. Both these kinds of oils have their own advantages and weak points.
    Water-based lubricants dried up quickly and you have to use times on your penis during exercise session but they’re simple to clean. But lubricants don’t find dry but they are bit hard to clean after penis exercises.
    Warm Up Exercises:
    Warm up exercises are important as they reduces the risk of any harm and bring blood. It is important for you to execute warm up exercises.
    Here are steps on How Best to perform warm up exercise
    Penis Enlargement Exercise:
    Many men have lots of confusion about penis exercises. Some think while others think extending is the only means Jelqing is the only penis exercise.
    Since these penis exercises are only created for PE Bible users the reason why I can not share them here, that is. If you wish to acquire access to these seven penis enlargement exercises then you have to download PE Bible (or you can download free Penis Enlargement Exercise book that contains some basic exercises.)
    John Collins split these 7 exercises
    Power Stretch:
    In the Power Stretch category you are likely to find out. By extending the penis you are really extending. But, it is necessary to keep in mind that no advantage is provided by these exercises for creating penis thicker.
    Jelqing Exercise:
    I really don’t think there’s about the best way to have a larger penis that does not speak about Jelqing workout any article or article. In reality I feel nobody can achieve penis.
    Since it increases length as well as girth of penis jelqing is believed to be the penis exercise. Men are performing jelqing exercises to increase their penis size because many decades.
    Jelqing is also called ‘milking’ in jelqing because of obvious milking technique build. It’s important for you to perform jelqing in state. If you gain whole erection in between the exercise you have to prevent it. Be sure to use enough lubricant so you don’t need to reapply.
    V-Stretch Technique:
    Penis Enlargement is possible and you can achieve results from penis exercises if you’ve got plan that is right.

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    She never wants to go back! LoL I know this is entirely off topic but I had
    to tell someone!

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    I’ve had a difficult time clearing my mind in getting my ideas out.
    I truly do enjoy writing but it just seems like the first
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